Der Papālagi (The White Man): a joint presentation by artist Yuki Kihara and anthropologist Dr Phyllis Herda
ST PAUL St Gallery Three
WB Building, 63 Wellesley Street East
12 midday
25 January 2017 - 25 January 2017

Yuki Kihara, Der Papālagi at Convent Street, 2016. C-print 667x1000mm. Image courtesy of the artist and Milford Galleries Dunedin.
In this joint presentation artist Yuki Kihara and social anthropologist Dr Phyllis Herda will discuss thematic threads brought together in Kihara's solo exhibition Der Papālagi (The White Man), ranging from the application of the European fantasy of the 'Noble Savage' to the Pacific and its inhabitants and the development of Western theories of race and culture; the political consideration of 'ethnic drag’; and the boundaries between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation from an Indigenous perspective.
Der Papālagi (The White Man) is presented in association with the Auckland Arts Festival 2017.
Yuki Kihara received support from Creative New Zealand to make the work in Der Papālagi (The White Man). The exhibition is brought to ST PAUL St courtesy of the artist and Milford Galleries Dunedin.